How to feed your dog (for health and longevity) | Ep181

2 years ago

Get a DOG! It’s my favorite ‘prescription’ to give patients. Dogs are wonderful companions, offer unconditional love and most importantly, they keep you active!
But just like we humans, dogs (and cats for that matter) are facing a major health crisis.
Obesity and disease are rampant in our four-legged friends. And sadly, they are developing health issues younger and younger.
But, it doesn’t have to be like this.
Just like I say that certain lifestyle and food choices can prevent and reverse ailments in humans…
You can do the same for your beloved pet, according to my guests.
I’m joined by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, one of America’s most respected veterinarians and breed-specific nutrition expert...
And Rodney Habib, founder of Planet Paws, the largest pet health community on Facebook.
Their book, Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier and Longer, reveals simple changes you can make in your dog’s life to help them thrive and live to a healthy, ripe old age.
And who doesn’t want that for their pups, myself included!?

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