Lost Ark - First Look - ep1

3 years ago

Lost Ark is a Korean MMO ARPG that is releasing in North America on Feb 11th. It is free to play but has a real money store and some loot box style mechanics. You can get into a three day early access period (that started on Feb 8th) by purchasing a Founders Package. The packages also come with some subscription benefits and other items. Lost Ark has been out in Korea since 2019 and has already released in Russia as well. Because of this, I expect the launch to go relatively smoothly although I did see mention of long queues on the first day of early access. I did was able to get into the game without waiting on a queue in the evening of launch day however. Despite the game being 2-3 years old at this point, I know relatively little about it, so lets jump in and take our First Look at Lost Ark!

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