Freedom Convoy: Conversation

2 years ago

with Moral

While filming at the Freedom Convoy, we met a woman who was excited to speak with us, Cam quickly struck up a wicked discussion with Moral. They discussed the safety of the area, the synergy of the protest, how people were taking care of each other, and the impact of the local business in the area. Join us for this insightful conversation on Wellington St in Ottawa Ontario.

We need to re-establish the grapevine.
Communicative barriers just waste our time.
We should be sharing our Keys to Clarity.

Capitol Hill is like a Mecca
Pay Pilgrimage, see what’s happening for yourself, a future of our humanity is here.

Freedom Convoy

A main spirit of the gathering is a call for unity, unity coming from division.
Unity without uniformity.
Let’s get rid of the divide and let’s talk about what’s best for everyone.

Lightbound speaking out against Trudeau dismissing Canadians.

The police are increasing their intensity.
The Truckers have called on Canadians.

Special Announcement from Convoy

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