Hashcat on the cloud with SSH ACCESS +Monster GPU,FREE&EASY-(restore wifi WPA2 password on a budget)

2 years ago

00:00 INTRO
00:27 Generating random number as a password
00:41 Capturing the handshake to a cap file with airmon-ng
01:40 Converting the cap file to hash-cat file type
01:53 upload the hash-cat file to filebin
02:02 open penglab on google colab
03:45 download and install cloudflare in order to get ssh access to our machine on colab
04:18 connecting to our free monster machine via ssh
04:52 uploading the hashcat file to our machine via wget
05:07 running the a****k and restoring the password with hashcat

Please add this code and run it:

#nvidia-smi and nvcc -V worked from ssh by running following code on colab after remocolab.setupSSHD()

!echo export NVIDIA_REQUIRE_CUDA=\"$NVIDIA_REQUIRE_CUDA\" >> /home/colab/.bashrc
!echo export NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=\"$NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\" >> /home/colab/.bashrc
!echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\" >> /home/colab/.bashrc
!echo export PATH=\"/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:\$PATH\" >> /home/colab/.bashrc

#Prevent random disconnects

import IPython
from google.colab import output

function ClickConnect(){
btn = document.querySelector("colab-connect-button")
if (btn != null){
console.log("Click colab-connect-button");

btn = document.getElementById('ok')
if (btn != null){
console.log("Click reconnect");


Our website:
https://linktr.ee/cpbreeze - CP Breeze tech website - Uncensored from the Tech Giants

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