NEW UPDATE Nashville 1st Snow January 3rd 12:20am snow fall DEREKast Live report 1-2-22 NashSevereWx

3 years ago

#NashvilleWeather #Nashville #Snow New just after midnight snow update, seems to have covered trees and grass and roofs not sticking to sidewalks and the road. check Twitter @NashSevereWx for accurate weather updates, you don't have to have Twitter to see it, just to read comments and post. they are legends they have a YouTube channel where they go live.
I seen a bunny out in the snow, a snow bunny. lol.
I am concerned with the wind that power may go out overnight because of trees, we will see. the cold weather reminds me that there is people outside, give them warm blankets. uhual and other places usually throw away the old moving blankets, those are great for keeping warm, been there before lol.the green military sleeping blankets are great. kind of went in a rant not about the weather. tomorrow when I wake up will have a full weather update with a drive. location at my friend's apartment in east Nashville. subscribe for more updates and just because I'm trying to get 1,000 subs by Feb 1st lol.
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