#303 Meet Milam Langella

3 years ago

Milam Langella is the third of the three primary challengers to incumbent Dan Crenshaw in Texas district 2 to sign the FAIRtax candidate pledge. He is also the sixth Congressional candidate that FAIRtax volunteer John Gaver has secured a pledge signature from. In this episode of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys reveal an exciting new project that John Gaver is working on that should be of great benefit to FAIRtax volunteers around the country. Then, attention turns to Langella as he speaks first with Gaver, and then with FAIRtax Guy Bob Paxton. In his interview with Gaver, he makes a startling revelation about a growing movement in Texas which Paxton gets him to expound upon. Then he details his own personal reasons for running on the FAIRtax and why he believes that the FAIRtax fits perfectly with his vision for the country.

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