Dr. Jeff Barke on WNL

3 years ago

Dr. Jeff Barke will be on Our Watch with Tim Thompson on Wednesday, February 9th at 7pm (PST) to talk about the Johns Hopkins study showing our lock-downs didn’t accomplish anything good. Also, he and Pastor Tim will discuss the upcoming elections and how the radical left is starting to pull back on mandates to save face. You don’t want to miss this!

#drjeffbarke #rxforliberty #ourwatchnow #ourwatchwithtimthompson #pastortimthompson #timthompson #freedom #BigGovSucks #SocialismSucks #engage #neverclosing #notonmywatch #vote #ezekiel3 #412churchmurrieta #412churchtemecula #412church #church #holy #christian #baptism #holyspirit #salt #light #evangelism #protestant

@realpastortim @ourwatchnow @412churchmurrieta @rxforliberty

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