What Does World War & Ukraine Have To Do With Seeking Spiritual Knowledge? | Sufi Meditation Center

3 years ago

0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 Intro
02:53 What does Sufism think about alchemy?
05:09 What is the difference between magnetism and negative energy's attraction to persons who have a positive charge?
11:25 What is the best way to end the meditation?
12:45 Are prominent television astrologers actually magicians?
15:07 Due of familial obligations, can we sit for meditation without the Naqshbandi ta'weez?
16:28 Is there a specific du'a to recite in situations where overwhelming negativity is unavoidable?
19:11 Is quantum physics a spiritual concept?
25:44 What is the truth behind the Beast's 666 number?
30:10 Are ta'weez in the house enough to protect against other negative influences?
31:53 What is the best way for us to see our own soul?

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