The Turning Tide

3 years ago

[00:30] A ‘Shift in the Energy’ (34 minutes)

Jesse Watters said yesterday on Fox News, “We’re starting to notice a shift in the energy.” He was referring to the changing attitude of many Americans and Canadians. This shift is evident in the sinking popularity of the legacy media, the worsening approval polls for Joe Biden, the Canadian protest against its Communist government, and the growing dissatisfaction Americans have with lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccines, and other radical policies of the Biden administration. Fox News has more Democrats watching its network than CNN. This is the “shift in the energy” Jesse Watters is talking about or, as we’ve been calling it at the Trumpet, the turning tide in America.

[34:45] Bible Study: Our Number-One Passion (20 minutes)

What should we be most excited about in life? My father answers in his book The God Family Vision, writing, “Our Father is the Head of that wonderful, majestic God Family. Our number-one passion must be to declare Him and His Family!” As John 1:18 reveals, declaring the Father was Christ’s great purpose on Earth. You could say it was His number-one passion, and it must be ours as well.

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