There Is No Middle Ground

2 years ago

[00:30] The Biden Catastrophe Is No Accident (8 minutes)

In reference to the Biden administration, political commentator Victor Davis Hanson wrote, “Chaos is the new, the intentional, normal. A pandemic of nihilism has been unleashed upon the land.” As the Trumpet has been saying from the beginning of Joe Biden’s occupancy of the White House, the Joebama agenda is not meant to help the country. It’s an audacious attempt to destroy America from within.

[8:45] Trudeau Doubles Down (14 minutes)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said yesterday, without evidence, that the Freedom Truckers in Ottawa were abusing local businesses, stealing from the homeless, embracing racism and vandalizing memorials. All of that, of course, is untrue. Why is the prime minister lying about the behavior of peaceful, working-class Canadians protesting for freedom?

[22:40] Biden Poll Numbers Worsen (15 minutes)

A recent Rasmussen poll reports, “Thirty-four percent of Democrats support impeaching Biden, as do 50 percent of black voters.” Another poll from ABC News and Ipsos reveals, “Just 1 percent of Americans view President Joe Biden’s economy as excellent.” President Donald Trump, meanwhile, continues to draw massive crowds to his rallies. Some have estimated that more than 80,000 Americans turned out for Trump’s rally in Texas last weekend.

[37:50] Bible Study: Called to Do God’s Work (20 minutes)

The primary purpose of God’s Church today is to finish His work on Earth and warn this world of Jesus Christ’s imminent return. To do this requires courage and faith. It requires following in the steps of Herbert W. Armstrong and doing God’s work the way he did—“raising up the ruins” caused by Mr. Armstrong’s successors.

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