66 04 03 0249B STS Resurrection 1 Corinthians 15 Apr 03 1966 Dr. Wierwille bible english lessons

2 years ago

Scripture Index: John 6:40, 44, 54; 11:23, 24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-23;

[John 6:40] And this is the will of him that sent me now this is his will that everyone which seeth the son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the [what?] last day.

Verse 44: No man can come to me except the father which has sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the [what?] last day.

In verse 54, of the same chapter. It's a remarkable truth that four times in this same chapter these tremendous truths appear:

[54] Whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last [what?] day.

Isn't that wonderful? I think one of the greatest comforts that must have ever been given to any, or still given; but it was the greatest comfort that was given to any family by Jesus Christ was that time when he appeared at the home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus and remember Lazarus had been buried? And Jesus said to, I think it's Martha, or Mary? I forget who he said it too. It's in the Gospel of John here's just a page or two over John 11. He said it to Martha, that's right. He said it to Martha.

Verse 23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall [what?] rise again.

He was dead. He was dead and Jesus declared that wonderful message that he shall rise again.

And the greatness of that 24th verse is almost unbelievable today that Martha understood it. She says unto him: I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last [what?] day.

What a tremendous truth. But the message that thrills my heart there from John is that that the word teaches that there's going to be a rising a resurrection in that last day. The Word taught in the old testament that there was a day coming when this Christ would be born in Bethlehem of Judea; when the people, when he was born, the humble shepherds were the only ones who heard the Word and believed and went over to see. [https://youtu.be/FNdYsSNsw1w] And when they reported it back, the people wondered. But people I say to you he came the first time and he's coming back the second time. The people read this Word they wonder at it. They go on with their current events. Talking about their taxes, their politics, their houses, their farms and lands; but no hope for the return. And all at once before you know it it'll be here the rest of them will just wonder about it. And in this resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ we have the greatest reality and truth of our resurrection and the things that you and I are going to have.

This subject of the resurrection class is wholly by revelation. No man can tell you anything about the resurrection except the Lord from heaven and his Word. That's all.

What I'm trying to say is very plain. You cannot go by anything that man says regarding the resurrection or life hereafter, you can only go by the revelation from heaven the Lord Jesus Christ and his Word. That's all. Because all of man's teaching basically regarding the afterlife is nothing but the teaching of men and women possessed by devil spirits. Sincere, but sincerity is no guarantee for truth. Man can tell us nothing about the resurrection or the coming of the Lord or what we'll be like in the afterlife. That's why it works like you see it sold out across the country: Death and afterwards by a very prominent author today. Title of it: Death and Afterwards. There she tells what's going to happen afterwards. How you can come back, how you can know stuff, all of those things. How does she know? She knows nothing, She got all of her information from devil spirits instead of from the Lord, from heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ and his Word. People, the only thing any man can know about the resurrection, the return of Christ and what kind of people we're going to be when he returns is from the records in the Word of God. That's all you can know. Man can tell us nothing. The one who wrote Survival after Death, he knows nothing about it. He hasn't been there and he doesn't accept the revelation of the Word as the only rule of faith and practice therefore it's all devil spirits again. They talk about immortality of the soul all comes from the same source.

What can they tell us? They can tell us nothing but lies taught by devil spirits, propagated by devil spirits to take God's very elect and if possible to turn them so that they will not understand nor believe. And it's the hope of the resurrection that is the great impetus to the life of the Christian believer in the here and now. Turn to Corinthians 15

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