AMC Moviegoers ARRESTED including two members of the press and two innocent bystanders 7th Feb

3 years ago

We the non-compliant People of NYC have had to deal with several arrests demonstrating how difficult it is in NYC to just get served at Applebees, Starbucks, NIKE, Junior's, Museum of Natural History and other locations. Add going out to watch a movie to the list.

This is not your ordinary ''rally for family'' at the NYPD Precinct. Some of us were live on social media as our friends came outside but I also captured a little of the details. What is most intriguing and hard to decipher fully is 'why did the NYPD make a point to arrest LeeroyPress and East Ghost Reports first and foremost' and 'why did they lump in Leena and Kai TWO TEENAGE INNOCENT MOVIEGOERS?"

They were happily adopted by us all and thanked for taking one for the team even though they didn't quite know there is a team of Freedom Fighters out there struggling to do normal activities without the vax card.

One wrinkle in the story is that the Innocent Two are vaxxed and have a legit card which they now know is useless since they were rounded up FALSELY.

The NYPD pulled a little trickery inside the AMC theatre. More details to come.

Why arrest the Press and two calm customers not even part of the group? It looks worse and worse for someone (NYPD? Adams? Hochul?) because eyeballs around the world are watching. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Freedom of the Press was trampled today and two false arrests compound the bind we are all in. As I hint to my buddies on the street, we are one day closer to victory because of fuckery like this. REOPEN NYC NOW!!!!

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