cat taking baths - funny cat

2 years ago

Kittens are very smart pets. So, when a cat doesn't like to bathe, there are clear reasons for his behavior. According to experts, some factors that influence furry insecurity are:

Fragile respiratory system: as they are not used to water, the feline's respiratory system is more fragile. With this, the pet is afraid of a careless bath, which can lead to infections;
Territorialism and smell: another trait inherited from their ancestors. Kittens are very territorial. And to win the battle in dominating different spaces, smell is very important. A forced bath can change the cat's odor, making it unsafe.
Natural baths: even though they are afraid of water, cats manage to keep their appearance clean and elegant, right? This is thanks to its natural baths, performed with good soles! This kitty tactic is excellent for keeping them clean. Since they already feel sanitized, felines see no point in soaking in soapy water.

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