The Importance of Hearing the Voice of the Lord

2 years ago

Along with digging deep to lay a foundation in the study of God's word, hearing and discerning the voice of the Lord is the most important part of our walk with God. It's sometimes difficult because He speaks to us Spirit to spirit as deep calls unto deep and because of the fallen state of existence we were raised in, and still live in, that sometimes frustrates our walk with God and our growth in Him. But this message is to build up your faith to encourage you to know that just as He spoke to the saints of old, He can, will, and does speak to you today. We must listen with the ears and eyes of our heart, our spirit, and learn by the Spirit and the word to discern His voice. In these last days, there really is nothing more important in our walk with God than being able to hear Him.

These teachings are intended to nurture, instruct, and help you understand what the Lord has said in His Word that you may walk in the manner worthy of your calling in Him. We pray that you are blessed, not merely in the hearing, but more so in the doing. Simply put, our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart, and express the Father's heart to you.

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The following teaching was originally ministered to the saints at The Meeting Place on 12/15/2021 .

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