Coffee with the Dog EP58 - Minddog Monday - I Want To Be Joe Rogan

2 years ago

We'll see what this new week brings. Ya never know.
I'll be discussing:
I wanna be Joe Rogan
Mr. Jones wishes he was someone just a little more funky
When everybody loves you, ah son
That's just about as funky as you can be
Mr. Jones and me
Staring at the video
When I look at the television, I want to see me

Transcript excerpt" from 1:05:38 talking about Brendon Walsh's tweet:
And if you don't know, Brendon, you might and when I read it, you're probably gonna say, well, it doesn't, you know, you got to hear it in his voice, and know the man and the attitude that he brings to comedy.
"Joe Rogan is the greatest threat to freedom and mankind in history."
If you hear that in Brendan's voice you, I'm promise you, you'll be laughing pretty hard right now. I tweeted back. I that's what I want to be i and people thought, well, and I know I'm repeating myself here, but this is radio, we do a lot of repeating. Because people come in and come and go, I tweeted back that that's what I want to be. I want to be the most dangerous man in the history of freedom and mankind in history. And people thought I was trying to out funny the comedian. And what I said not really funny, that funny. And it wasn't meant to be funny. I got a few people laughed at it thinking it was a joke. It was pretty serious. And
I talked about this at the top of our program, I do want to be I do want to be Joe Rogan. And then it was and the song came into my head. Mr. Jones, I want to be Bob Dylan, I want to be Joe Rogan, Mr. Jones wants to be something a little more funky. But well, when everybody loves me, I want to see me on the television staring right back at me that
that'd be honest with anybody in the statement statements like this pissed me off. So I don't I don't feel funny about even making it when I hear statements like this. Anybody who's podcasting, anybody who's doing what I'm doing, if they don't admit that they are somewhat jealous of Rogen and his numbers,
they're lying, or they're in denial, or
they're just playing hobbyist at it. They're not serious about their intentions in podcasting, it's just a game to them. One of those three things, because otherwise, it's all about getting numbers and attention and audience and growing your influence. That's honestly, so it's important to understand that
anybody who,
in the podcasting game who was who was
criticizing Rogan has that extra little bit of incentive conflict of interest to be or lack of objectivity.

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