Teenager Jasmine Comeau wheelchair bound after being coerced into medically unnecessary jab

2 years ago

Seventeen year old Jasmine Comeau just wanted to live a normal life. All she wanted was not to be bullied by her own government and school.

Instead the tyrannical anti-scientific government has forced measures of mass destruction upon society which are ineffective for everyone, especially for children who have a statistically zero medical risk.

Lots of people told Jasmine the 'vaccine' is safe and effective. Where are these same people now that it turns out that vaccine is anything but safe and effective?

Jasmine did not receive any informed consent. She just got a paper to sign without even getting adequate time to read it. Informed consent should not just be shortly before injection, but also on the media. This clearly has not been happening. Reporter Tamra Ugolini says it beautifully:

"[I'm] bringing you another heart breaking story of vaccine injury. You know, those same stories that are censored or downplayed by main stream media, TV doctors and our beloved second rate public health bureaucrats as 'rare'."

Jasmine says that almost immediately after injection, she "felt the solution running down my arm". This could point to the injection accidentally being made in a blood vessel. It's unclear if her fate would have been different if the injection had not been made in a blood vessel.

Some people, such as dr. John Campbell, may point to the need for aspiration to prevent these accidental intra-vascular injections, but the real conclusion should be that these expired experimental toxic ineffective jabs should not be used on anyone, especially not on children and especially not under duress, since there are significantly better alternatives.

Now society, who bullied Jasmine and countless others like her into getting jabbed, won't provide rehab. The government also won't support for Jasmine's family, which is sorely needed, since her mom can't work because she has to take care of Jasmine 24/7.

Jasmine has bad tremors in her left leg every night. It feels like electric shocks running up and down her, and it's really painful. Her neurologists said that she had nerve damage caused by the jab, but that she would be back to normal in 6 weeks. Instead, it only has gotten worse. It looks like Jasmine has transverse myelitis.

The message of Jasmine and her mom: (1) all mandates must be stopped, (2) people need informed consent, which means at a minimum that they should be informed that a possible side-effective of getting vaxxed is that you could end up in a wheelchair.

See also this video from Jasmine:

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vtzaje-teenager-suffers-vaccine-reaction-now-wheelchair-bound.html

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