Jackass Forever + Moonfall + Spider-Man: No Way Home = Box Office Movie Mashup, Flash Fiction

2 years ago

This is a box office movie mashup combining multiple movies of this weekend's box office to create a new premise and storyline,
by combining the world of Jackass Forever with the characters of Moonfall, set in the story of Spider-Man: No Way Home, to create a new premise and storyline.

Premise: 11 Years After A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit around Earth, dangerous foes appear and force
life as we know it on EARTH to prepare for their final crusade.

Storyline: A mysterious force knocking the moon from its orbit around Earth turns the people on earth into jackasses, foolish acts for a selfish purpose appear all around the world with no end in sight.

The side effects of the moon and earth parting have caused danger in the form of random acts of mischief that's become more and more heinous. Now people must decide, who lives or dies, or does all life fall forever until EARTH is an empty home.

In a box office movie mashup entitled "FALL FOREVER HOME"
#JackassForever #Moonfall #spidermannowayhome #boxofficeweekend #moviemashup #flashfiction #flashfictionexamples
#tomhollandspidermannowayhome #fanfiction #creativewriting #howtowriteapremise #howtowriteastoryline #howtowriteastory
#howtowriteastorylineforamovie #JohnnyKnoxvilleJackassForever #HalleBerryMoonfall #PatrickWilsonMoonfall #creatingastoryline
#writingprompts #howtowriteastory #mashupmoviestories #RolandEmmerichMoonfall #writingideasforcreativewriting
#spidermanhomecomingseries #SteveOJackassForever #flashfictionstories #writersonyoutube #willemdafoespidermannowayhome #writingstorylines
#fanfictionstories​​ #comicsgate #fandommenace #thefandommenace

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