Christianity Today Advances False Claim That The Enneagram Has "Christian Roots"

2 years ago

Russell Moore tries to disarm Christian opposition to the Enneagram on his Christianity Today podcast with guest Ian Morgan Cron.

Some of the softball questions...

Moore asks about the "occultic" origins of the Enneagram. Cron responds that it ACKSHUALLY has "Christian roots" via Evagrius Ponticus, an ancient gnostic who gets misread by modern gnostic Richard Rohr to try and create this anachronism. (Source:

Moore asks if this is a kind of Disney-film "be your true and authentic self" form of expressive individualism. Cron waves away the question by calling it a "useful tool" (sound familiar?).

Most interesting to me, personally: I've already clipped Russ talking about how he's in a book club with abortion apologist and queer ally Francis Collins. Here we learn he's also in a "poetry reading club" with this Enneagram evangelist (whose dad was a motion picture executive who worked for the CIA 🤔).


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