Doc Marquis A Look at The Arrival of Antichrist (1 of 2)

2 years ago

An Ex-Illuminati Witch Doc Marquis Finds God and reveals the Satanic Illuminati.

Chapters include – 1) Introduction;
2) History of the Masters of the Illuminati;
3) Religion of the Illuminati – and of Antichrist;
4) The Illuminati
5) The two Great Seals of the United States;
6) Maps of Washington, D.C. From this discussion, Doc presents a thorough examination of the Illuminati Card Game, showing specific cards.
7-Part Plan for Global Conquest. Focus is on the infamous Rothschild ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ and how leaders are following that plan as a blueprint...

Doc Maquis Bio

Joseph “Doc” Marquis was raised a child in the international occultic group known as the Illuminati and was involved in some of the most unspeakable acts known to mankind as a result of his generational involvement and membership. For 20 years, he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of Master Witch (3rd level). As a result of God’s sovereignty and mercy, Doc, an Illuminati witch (more accurately, a witch involved in the Illuminati), became surrounded by caring Christians who presented him with the Gospel. Confronted by God’s Word and love, he opened his heart and mind.

On April 15, 1979, Doc became a Born-Again Christian, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati.

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