Blindspot #027 - Forces of frigmentation at Beijing Winter War-game Olympics

3 years ago

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It is about frigmentation - when the worst of friction and fragmentation combine to create conditions of conflict.

Blindspot identifies a new sport code for the winter Olympics - Geopolitical warmongering... with two teams allocated: 1. The counter-NATO expansion team championed by Xi & Vladmir, 2. The anti Russia/China team led by Club Western World.

Even the briefest of moments of ‘news’ bouncing like light pulses around the data-arteries of the digitosphere, are manifestations of frigmentation, like:

In Canada truckers are bringing the country to a hyper-mobilised stand-still as the population of a ‘free country’ stand up against draconian medical measures imposed by an over-eager vaccine needle mandate wielding government.

In Mali, thousands of people took to the streets on Friday (4 February 2022) this week to celebrate the expulsion of the French ambassador to the country, and to protest against ongoing European, and particularly French forces, deployed for the epic no-end-in-sight counter-insurgency operations this country maintains in the Sahel.

Interestingly enough, Aljazeera reports that at these celebrations on Friday, people were waiving Russian flags and burned cardboard cut-outs of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The above stories, and all of those to be covered in this delivery of Blindspot can be understood better when we incorporate a concept from Buiteboer’s Searching for Madness in the Method, being: Frigmentation. Frigmentation is a portmenteau word that brings together the best of all the worst acidic characteristics of the concepts - friction and fragmentation.

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