Heartbroken eulogy from newly wedded widow of NYPD officer Jason Rivera

2 years ago

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Friday (Jan 28, 2022) Morning, New York City. The final farewell to the two police officers who sacrificed their lives on duty. Outside St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYPD officers gathered to memorialize the life of officer Jason Rivera. Hundreds and thousands of mourners lined miles of streets. Friday was only the second day on duty for Jason. He was only 22 years old. He joined NYPD in 2021 and was married in October. His widow Dominique Luzuriaga delivered a very touching eulogy. Their love stories started in elementary school. Jason was together with Dominique for most of his short life. But now the couple are separated into different realms. Here is an excerpt of the eulogy. In it, Dominique deplored the System for it failed keep anybody safe. The System makes police and their families constantly worried about their own safety. She emotionally called for the peace and safety for NYC.

纽约市周五上午,为两名因公殉职的警察中的第一位举行了庄严的最后告别仪式。黎明前,警察已经在圣帕特里克大教堂外,为纽约警察局警官杰森·里维拉(Jason Rivera)举行葬礼。数百上千人到场,聚集的人群延续长达几英里。

星期五是杰森执行任务的第二天。 他才22岁,去年才加入的纽约警察局,而且也是去年10月才新婚。他的遗孀多米尼克为丈夫发表了催人泪崩的悼词,他们的爱情故事始于小学,生命中大部分时候一直在一起,却永失所爱。她表示,现在的系统让我们都在遭受风险,连警察都无法保证安全。新的检察官(DA)的立法,让很多警察家庭不满。说到这,全场起立致敬,报以持久的掌声。


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