MZTV 460 - 06/24/2020: Is God On Plan B?

3 years ago

If God did not originally intend for Adam and Eve to sin in the Garden, but instead planned for a "perfect" world without sin and death, then He missed the mark—that is, He sinned. Not only that, but Adam and Eve—not God—are responsible for the eonian course we are on, and it is they who should be thanked for it. Not only that, But God would not be worthy of His own name, which is "Subjector/"Placer" ("El"/"Theos"), and would instead be merely a Hoper/Wisher and an Experimenter.

None of these things are worthy of God, and anyone believing these things does not know the true God. The fact is that God intended for sin and death to enter His universe; He is on Plan A. "For to vanity was the creation subjected, not voluntarily, but because of Him Who subjects it, in expectation that the creation itself, also, shall be freed from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God" (Romans 8:20-21).
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