"That's forced": TV-host and former NBA player Shaquille O'Neal explains that mandates are coercion

2 years ago

CHOICE: "Would you like tea of coffee?"
COERCION/BULLYING/FORCE: "Would you like to give me all your possessions or would you prefer a bullet in your head?" "Would your prefer to keep your job/career or would you rather have sex with me?"

Vaxx mandates are more like that latter than the former.

'No jab, no job' is a disgrace just like 'no sex, no job' is a disgrace. Not being allowed in certain stores is a disgrace. Perhaps you can get a different job and do your shopping elsewhere.

Regardless, nobody can make your human rights conditional on taking an experimental product with death as a possible side-effect, especially when that product is not even necessary or effective.

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkdcQKItdio

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