Press Conference: Ottawa Police Implementing "Surge & Contain Strategy"

2 years ago

Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly speaks with reporters about efforts to ensure the safety of downtown residents as the trucker protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates enters its eighth day. He announces a "surge and contain" strategy to help stop unlawful acts. The new measures include deploying 150 additional officers to affected neighbourhoods, barricading the protest red zone, and blocking off vehicle access to the downtown core. The city expects that over 300 trucks, 2,000 people and nearly 1,000 counter-protesters will attempt to enter the downtown core over February 5 and 6. Chief Sloly is joined by Steve Bell, deputy chief of police, and Trish Ferguson, acting deputy chief. February 4, 2022.

Original YouTube Video:


Ottawa Police Announce Digital Surveillance Of Freedom Convoy Protesters, Supporters, And Donors
Partnering With Federal Agencies
By Cindy Harper
Reclaim The Net
February 6, 2022

The Ottawa Police Service has announced a new operation where it is partnering with federal intelligence agencies to create “enhanced intelligence operations and investigations” that will target individuals who are taking part in and supporting the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy.

The Ottawa police said that it’s partnering with the US’s FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to investigate “online threats.”

Ottawa police the “enhanced investigation” will start with focusing on those who were involved in organizing the protest convoy and will use surveillance to “identify and target protestors who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity by protesters.”

The police also said they are focusing on gathering “financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status, and other related evidence that will be used in criminal prosecutions.”

Ottawa Police have also said they’re working with police agencies across Ontario, the RCMP, and Sûreté du Québec.


Ottawa Police's New Measures Against Protesting Truckers Are Those Used By 'Oppressive Regimes,' Says Organizers' Lawyer
By Omid Ghoreishi
The Epoch Times
February 6, 2022

The new measures announced by the chief of Ottawa police against truck convoy protesters are those used by oppressive regimes around the world, says a lawyer representing organizers of the Freedom Convoy protesting COVID-19 mandates in Ottawa.

"He effectively announced that he is going to be taking away Canadians' charter right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression," Keith Wilson, a lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), said in a video on Feb. 4.

Peter Sloly, chief of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), said in a Feb. 4 press conference that police will be implementing a "surge and contain strategy" to deal with the protesters camped in Ottawa.

The strategy includes sending 150 more police officers to the protest area in the downtown core of Ottawa, barricading the protest area with concrete and heavy-equipment barriers, as well as "increased efforts" by national, provincial, and local intelligence agencies to target those "who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity" by protesters.

"Our residents are frustrated and they are angry. They have every right to be. Their lives continue to be severely impacted by unlawful and unsafe events," Sloly said.

"Officers and our partners will be focused on illegal activity associated with the demonstrators. Surge will deliver a clear message to the demonstrators: Lawlessness must end."

Sloly added that the demonstrators in the core area "remain highly organized, well funded, extremely committed to resisting all attempts to end the demonstration safely."

Wilson called Sloly's announcements "disturbing" and said they should "trouble Canadians and those around the world who support this trucker protest for freedom."

"The police chief essentially announced an assault on the protesters. He announced that very specific measures that we normally only see instituted by oppressive regimes around the world, would be initiated," he said.

The Epoch Times reached out to the Ottawa Police Service for comment but didn't immediately hear back.


Ezra Levant, from Rebel News, responds:

In Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra goes through the threatening tweets made by Ottawa police in response to the Freedom Convoy and tells you what we're doing in response.

Full Report:



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