Paul Romero the Governor of Oregon 2022 (THERMO-NUCLEAR EXPLOSION TO THE DEEP STATE)

2 years ago

Paul Romero is the fist of the Oregonians to the jaws of the Communist party. He is "their" worst nightmare and fear and trembling will soon commence!
Oregon is Free!

End Critical Race Theory, Social & Emotional Learning, Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Learning, Restorative Justice, Comprehensive Sex Education, Gender Theory, and all devisive education from all public schools; return to the previous limited Sex Education classes requiring Parental permission for participation and full transparency; per existing law, civics will be four years in High School with additional preparatory Civics for being an American Citizen to occur from 6th to 8th grade; schools will only close for holidays and snow days; restore excellence in Oregon education;

Full audit of 2020 and 2022 elections; audit and review, with full transparency, of all voting systems employed throughout Oregon; return to polling stations, and hand counting of the vote with voter certification;

Restore individual freedoms and personal privacy by rescinding all masking, testing, and vaccine mandates for all of Oregon and State employees;

Restore Parental Rights in education and nullify all laws that violate parental rights of minors;

Rescind the CAT tax and remove regulations interfering with the propagation of businesses in Oregon;

Declaration to combat and prevent human trafficking, holding those guilty of participation to fully account and providing support to survivors;

A full STOP to the New Green Deal, four laws, here in Oregon; Oregon has the lowest carbon footprint in the world already, a mere 0.002;

A full review of all District Attorneys and judges for dereliction of duty and failure to uphold the law in accordance with crime and punishment;

A full investigation into each County leadership starting with Clackamas County. This is currently operational now;

Sanctuary cities will be banned, notably in regards to immigration; the whole state of Oregon will be a sanctuary for the Constitution;

Social Security Fairness and Protection: No state taxation or garnishment allowed for retired senior citizens, notably zero property tax;

Those that implemented forced closures, vaccines, masks, and tests will be held criminally and civilly liable as they willfully became accessories to these crimes perpetrated on all Oregon citizens;

In honor of Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin: Establish the position of Chief Transformation Officer to review all government agencies, beginning with the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles and the Oregon Employment Department;

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