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⁣Military Lawyer, Todd Callender, On The True Meaning Of Gene Therapy / Altering Our DNA

3 years ago

Source: John-Henry Westen on Life Site News


  • 0/2000
  • this is all so horrifying and people still are ignorant of what they are marching into

  • The more they force the faster things backfire

  • It is gene EDITING...I feel like my head is gonna explode every time I hear the ones trying to expose this evil say therapy...kinda like illegal aliens vs undocumented immigrants...HELLLLOOOO! WORDS MATTER. I would bet 1k that if the word editing was used, this would have been nipped at the bud by Jan '21.

  • it's amazing how the pharmaceutical is calling Vacine something that is not a vaccine, this experimental shot is not even a vaccine by any standard. People are marching into this under mass psychosis, injecting not one by numerous shot thst is so dangerous.

  • Love Lifesite News 🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎

  • People just don’t want to believe that such evil exists in this world. We’ve been pretty insulated in America, but when you look at our past, even Americans are guilty of crimes against humanity. Purposely infecting native Americans with small pox, the Tuskegee project, plus all the experiments Fauci and the like have performed on unwitting people around the world. Many of our government officials, big corporate heads, and other elitists are corrupt and willingly participate in heinous acts against even our most vulnerable people, our children. God save us! I really think this depopulation agenda will destroy most of humanity. Even the elitists will fall. Most are useful pawns anyway, in other words, dispensable.

  • Big pharma funds the media, the media funds your fears, your fears funds your disease(s), your disease(s) funds big pharma. See how circle back works!!

  • Well they have millions of human lab animals walking around now with their mRNA gene therapy inside people bodies maiming and killing them. These scientists that knew what they are doing by pushing this experimental drug on the world should all be hung when they are found guilty of mass murder and other crimes against humanity. These people are greedy evil and sick

  • I don't find any of this hard to believe after spending the last few years looking into all of this stuff. Just look at what is going on in the world right now with lockdowns and power. this is not about a corona virus it is about scamming the world into taking that jab and becoming a human lab rat to these mad freaks. Part of their plan is genocide. They are fine killing off a few billion people. Klaus Schawb and his Davos freaks have planned bringing about their Global Great Reset and they must be thinking how this is going better than they planned. Biden is there to collapse America. That is why they had to get rid of President Trump. Trudeau is following the program and so are all the other countriies. This is happening now right before our eyes and many people do not want to see it

  • Love hate or just wonder about the big pharma vaccines, y honestly gotta wonder if any of these shots are really as fantastic and miraculous as they claim then why are the blackmailing, threatening and all in all Forcing anyone to get them.....it makes one wonder why.....just, well why Anyway the question I wish to present to anyone id how can Anyone Claim informed consent when The actual Information is being PURPOSELY withheld from people getting the jab? We have it on tape that quite a few docs and pharmacists are knowingly doing this

  • Great interview!! This lawyer is awesome 😎. Thank you!! People forgot how to Critically think. I call them Stupid Smart People.

  • People are waking up, but how many will awaken to this horror AFTER multiple jabs? Tragic!

  • my comment disappeared...what could have happened?

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  • Deagel.com also published years ago a huge reduction in world population for 2025

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