ChainLink (LINK) Cryptocurrency Price Prediction, Forecast, and Technical Analysis - Sept 2nd, 2021

3 years ago
Monthly 1 oz. Silver giveaway for every 20 Patreon contributors!
Prior long entry idea hit for some nice profit. Two new trade ideas for both sides of the market were identified.
($0.05/3-box P&F Chart)
Buy Stop @ $29.40
Stop Loss @ $29.20
Profit Target @ $29.90

($0.10/3-box P&F Chart)
Sell Stop @ $28.70
Stop Loss @ $29.10
Profit Target @ $27.30

Buy Limit @ $20.01
Stop Loss @ $17.00
Profit Target @ $29.00
Dollar-Cost Average
Buy Limit @ $18.02
Buy Limit @ $12.50

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