Scuba divers swim among pod of orcas in Galapagos

3 years ago

Orcas, also known as killer whales are the undisputed apex predators of the ocean. They are massive animals with an intellect to match. They hunt cooperatively with a highly sophisticated ability to communicate with each other. Orcas have no natural predators.

These scuba divers have been exploring the waters around Darwin's arches, one of the most famous dive sites in the world. As they made their way back to the boat in the inflatable panga, a pod of orcas came close and examined them curiously. Despite their size and power, these animals have never attacked a human in the wild. The divers were eager to slip into the water to meet the killer whales face to face. After getting the nod from the guide, they had an encounter that they will never forget. The orcas swam close to get a better look.

Orcas are found in almost all oceans and seas around the world. Their food varies, depending on their location and which pods they belong to. They are one of the most magnificent and awe-inspiring creatures in the ocean.

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