Create The World You Want (not the New World Order)

3 years ago

Create The World You Want

We're living someone else's creation right now and we're helping them create 'their' dream. We're helping create this world the way that it is - by participating in their dream, by participating in their creation, by creating it the same as its always been. By not doing anything different we're creating this world the way that it is. What you don't like about the world, you're part of it man. You are part of creating it the way that it is. If you don't like all the hate in the world, you've got to stop hating. You've got to stop bringing hate into this creation. If you don't like all the shit that's happening to people, if you don't like the way things are, you've got to start living true to who you really are.

The way that we were when we were growing up, the way that we thought that we should be, the full loving beings that we are, where we love freely and we care about people, and we love doing the things that we love - we are creating this suffering, diseases, and this slavery by participating in it. We are part of this system, and we can change the system.

We've got to stop creating these globalists dream when it hurts so many people all across the globe. We have a way to make this planet liveable and blissful, by being happier and that means doing the things that you want to do, and not thinking so limited - removing all those limited beliefs, negative energies, and trapped emotions.

The way to change the world is to create our own realities.

Since I healed myself through believing that I could, and that was just the starting point of what I can do now. I'm just starting to realize just how powerful we are. What we can do in this human form while we are here. We are experiencing this human experience to do all the things that's possible in this human form, but we place so many goddamn extra challenges and limitations on us that don't even need to be there. They've been placed in us all our lives, from before birth in some cases, the feeling of "not being welcome here" and "not being loved", and not having your loved returned, and not caring about people - that's become the new normal, and we need to make a "new" normal.

A new world, and not a "New World Order", fuck that. Not a new world order, we're not going to create their dream for them. We've going to create our own realities, we're going to create our own dreams.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2015

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