Never Question Authority - Even if they are corrupt?

3 years ago

How I'm removing a lot of fear. (Nov 2016)
Noticed that the reason why people don't talk about "the things we're not supposed to talk about" is because they've been brainwashed, conditioned, and manipulated their entire lives to conform to what mainstream thinks.

So they can't talk anything aloud - they actually feel guilty (there's something that happens within them), when they talk outside of mainstream.

I'm just planting little seeds and making it more common to have these kinds of conversations and it's really cool actually, because when you can talk about it like a normal person (and I know I'm not normal), but when you can talk about it over a coffee, it's less scary for people, so they're not living in the fear of the unknown, they're allowed to have these kinds of conversations and have their little opinion, and as they have their opinion about it, it actually expands and broadens their perspective to "more".

I watched something else the other day which reminded me of how the education system has made us into "good citizens" - which is fine, it's just that it doesn't teach you how to think for yourself, it's basically teaching a particular way of living "under the guise of living in harmony with people", however:
Never Question Authority.

And that may of been good at one stage, when authorities was actually on your side, but now, these days, authorities can be corrupt and noone questions them because they've been entrained already - already conditioned to "not question".
So we get all these new laws that make no sense at all, and we don't question it because we want to be good. We're told that it's "bad" to question it, and now we're like "Oh fuck, we've made ourselves into slaves"... and 'that's how I see it'.
We're just going to keep building our own prison and things are going to get a little bit worse so we've got to look for solutions, ok:

Make people think about things a little bit more so they can get their own brain back.

First it's like an automatic thing. I remember the first time I saw "Pro-Marijuana" posts on Facebook, I was like - straight away, my "conformity", my programming, my brainwashing was like "Scoff - Bad People" - I was so conditioned that it was bad. When I realized "oh, wait, this is an "auto-response". Where did this "auto-response" come from? It wasn't from me, it was from wanting to fit into society. "Society would be more ok with me condemning marijuana", now that we can see that it's doing a lot for people's health, cancers, great for building materials, etc. there's a lot of reasons why it could be banned 'other than' what we originally thought that it was being banned for.

I've opened up my mind, but it takes time to expand your mind when you start questioning. My mind is broadened, expanded, changed. As I've been freeing myself to actually have the normal conversations about it.

NOVEMBER 3, 2016


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