February 6, 2022

3 years ago

I would say the best bet prediction sites i know (both new and old) which offer value to you for free before prompting you to “pay” for anything.

My Personal best list

www.Predictiz.com - This has been around for quite a long time and they recently revamped their platform to support more features and offer more value and they have a completely free model. Anyone who has been staking for a while now will know how much importance sites like this and soccervista have to guiding you to make the right predictions.

www.Betweysure.com - This I noticed them sometime last year around the middle of the pandemic and they offer a lot of value for free and also have a special “bet bonus” page that gives people “tips of the day” that have relatively worked in getting me passive income at times. They also offer something i find interesting which is “double predictions” that gives you a choice on what prediction to pick(very different). They are just getting some traction but i would keep and eye on them to become the next big thing with how solid their predictions seem to be now

www.soccervista.com - This is more sentimental to me than the others , because even though they are not as popular as they were before they still offer some of the best predictions out there for “FREE”

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