Which Side Are You On?

2 years ago

The Second Civil War Is back! This time we have a remix of an old Worker's song from the 1930's more fitting for a modern audience, which asks, from a rural person's point of view, which side of the conflict the listener is on.

All the articles with a date after 02/04/2022 are fictional, so no reason to be worried about the events being real... yet.

Thank you to my Patreon Supporter Matthew, and if you would like to support me on Patreon as well, sign up here:

Lyrics Below as Per Usual,


Come all of you good neighbors, the news to you I'll tell,
Of how the city unrest has begun again to swell.
They say in off in the city, there are no neutrals there:
You'll either kill because you must, or be a thug without a care.

Which side are you on? Which side are you on?
Which side are you on, boys? Which side are you on?

My daddy was a farmer, and I'm a farmer's son.
I'll stick with our good hometown till every battle's won.
My Brother was a trucker, he drove that fateful year.
I still await his re-turn but I’ll stand without fear.


My family has lived here, they’ve fought to make it through.
But now the money’s useless and tyrants make lies true.
Those rich men and those leaches get richer every year
While we, working every day, can’t even afford a beer


Those government thugs call for martial law, to keep us all in line
Only those leaches and tyrants know that they will be fine
Oh neighbors can you stand it? Oh tell me how you can?
Will you lay down for them or lend us all a hand?


Don't give up all your freedoms, don't listen to their lies.
Us common folk don't have a chance, unless we organize.
So shoulder to shoulder, together we shall stand.
We'll beat the tyrants and the thugs, so come and lend a hand.


Come all of you good people, you women and you men.
Once more our backs are to the wall, under attack again.
We'll fight a million battles, to defend our hard won rights.
We're goin'to have to fight again, an' I ask you here tonight:


It's time for a decision and you really have to choose.
Will you support the rural folk or the city's cruel abuse?

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