God will not forgive anyone who worships the antichrist and gets his vaccine mark of the beast

3 years ago

God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world after the rapture happens and no one will stand in His way! The wicked will cheer when thousands of people are just gone and will think they will do whatever they want but that will change when the antichrist makes a treaty with Israel and breaks it and then the trumpet judgements are unleashed and the bowl judgements are poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist and gets his image!! False fake Christians who got the vaccines are enemies of God to and will suffer the wrath of God being poured out!!! The seal judgements are opened and the 7th Seal starts the tribulation on the earth for 7 years!! It starts when the antichrist rises to power and makes a treaty with the Jews and sits in the third temple in Jerusalem and the 7 year tribulation begins, the antichrist will say he is the messiah and will want everyone to bow down and worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, he will break his treaty with the Jews and will go after the Jews and everyone who doesn't worship him and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, the tribulation period is God pouring out His tribulation judgements and wrath and justice, Satan and his fallen angels will be stuck on earth, the antichrist and his demonic followers will be going after everyone who is not part of their antichrist one world order and will kill anyone who doesn't have the vaccine mark of the beast, families will turn their own family members in because they will be seen as a threat, you can't enter stores at all without the vaccine mark of the beast and if you try to check out they will say prove to us you worship the antichrist!! If not they will say take them away they are dangerous to our new world order and it will happen, Jesus will not be all nice and a baby in a manager He is the Lion of Judah and it is war now between Jesus and Satan and guess who will Satan go after when he is on earth? Everyone who gets left behind!! You think things are bad now you have not seen after the rapture and tribulation period!! Jesus is cleaning house and will not be nice about it at all!! He will clean house and throw all the wicked people into the lake of fire and they will have no chance at the great white throne judgement!! Jesus will say I told you not to steal but you did and I never knew you depart from Me you worker of inquinity!! I told you to not lie or gossip or earn your way to heaven I never knew you and you rejected my free gift I paid for on the cross depart from me for I never knew you!! It will not be a game for those who rejected Jesus!! You will see Him as your Judge and no lawyers will defend you at all and it will be set in stone!!! Jesus is the Messiah and every knee will bow before Him and He will rein on earth for thousand years after the 7 year tribulation ends, but first is the 7 year tribulation and will be the worst time of your life and you have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist!!

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