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Freedom 2 You

3 years ago

Inspired by the Freedom Movement asking everyone What's Freedom to You?

We dedicate the words of this song to everyone globally who is fighting for humanity, our freedoms and to keep our god-given DNA intact.

Now I’ve heard there was a secret pact
that Davos had Trudeau enact
but they don’t really care for humans do they
so we rally now as the narrative fails
the lies revealed and truth prevails
Truth leaders asking what’s Freedom to Ya

Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You

Your Freedom’s been tested so you can see
the need to fight for liberty
with mandates they tried to overthrow you
Trudeau sought to kill our rights
blinding justice from our sight
demanding we bring Freedom to You

Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You

While we all know that God above
is asking us to return to love
to honour all the gifts that he gave us
so in the prayers you say tonight
ask that they blind see the light
standing with us to bring Freedom to You

Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You

So as we march to victory
let us act unselfishly
supporting all who stand for you
for on this land we hold to truth
protecting those still in their youth
who’ll someday ask how freedom came to you

Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You

It’s then we’ll be able to say
we gave our all for you that day
no sacrifice was too great for you
so as we build a better world
where no human is our overlord
we do it all to give Freedom to You

Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You
Freedom to You


Music by Kevin Martin
Lyrics by Sherry Strong
Vocals Kevin & Sherry
Image crowdsourced including Ivanna Liberty


  • 0/2000
  • If that doesn’t move you, you are not human. God bless you!

  • This was so beautifully done! Definitely moving.

  • Don’t tell anyone , it brought a tear to my eyes

  • Absolutely beautiful! Listening and seeing Canadians come together in love and support had me tears! Also love the support from around the world!

  • I hope this gorgeous song becomes a global hit, and people sing it in massive assemblies as they dismantle the chains of institutional madness that permitted the Covid grand deception, medical genocide and global technocratic tyranny.

  • Are the lyrics available somewhere, please? Can't make out all the words as sung here.

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  • Thank you so much for your beautiful & most relevant rendition of Cohen's anthem!!!! JUST LOVED IT!!!!!

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  • please add your site to this site: https://createchanges.thrivecart.com/content-creators-rumble-submission/ .

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  • Hi Freedom2You Our community would really like to see your channel on TV. Awake Freedom TV is offering to do this for free for you. Here are the details: https://awakefreedom.tv/submit-channel/

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  • https://createchanges.thrivecart.com/content-creators-rumble-submission/

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  • Hi Freedom 2 You Our community would really like to see your channel on TV. Awake Freedom TV is offering to do this for free for you. Here are the details: https://awakefreedom.tv/submit-channel/

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