Full Show: From Climate to Covid Back to Climate

2 years ago

Narratives can be a tricky thing and for the globalists, they use narratives to convince the public that their gradual stranglehold on control is acceptable. Climate change had been their vehicle for some time but it has been supplanted by Covid in the last two years. Are we seeing a transition back to climate change now that Covid is beginning to fade?

First up this week, Dennis Cuddy joins John and Producer Steve to look at how the various narratives about Covid are falling apart. They discuss all the controversial Covid issues, including the lab-based origins of the virus, gain of function research, adverse vaccine reactions, and even DARPA's involvement. Now that the truth is coming out, thanks to Dr. Cuddy and others, the globalists are scrambling to find another narrative to try and maintain control.

It turns out that transitioning away from the Covid narrative was easy for the globalists – all they had to do was turn to an old favorite, climate change. Joining us is Wesley Smith, Director of the Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism. We are now being told that climate change should be seen as a health emergency, which would allow for the retention of tyrannical covid policies.

Covid will end, but climate change can be with us for as long as is needed. Our rights would be suspended, and the globalists would be able to achieve what they tried to with Covid. To fight back, we need to expose the truth, which like sunlight, is the best disinfectant.


1 – John Loeffler – Cancel Culture Rules (2:05)
2 – Dennis Cuddy – The Truth About Covid (6:36)
3 – Wesley Smith – A Changing of the Narrative (47:29)

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