First Brisket on the Pit Barrel PBX Cooker

2 years ago

Brisket trim and cook on the Pit Barrel PBX cooker, in the freezing weather.

Texas has its second annual ice storm, so what's a guy to do? Cook a brisket of course. Thankfully this storm wasn't as bad as last years, or near as long. But it was still interesting to go outside and see everything frozen. Watch carefully, the ice got me at one point.

The cook went much longer than I had anticipated, mostly because the pit barrel cooker wouldn't stay hot enough. This is my 3rd ever cook on it so I need to figure out what the problem here is. Comments about this are welcome. All other comments are welcome also!

Brisket did take longer than I think it aught to have, but it did come out better than I had expected. The unintentional low temps gave me some great bark.

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