Dr Gaeta Plays O Canada

3 years ago

I humbly offer this, the beautiful and stirring national anthem of the great people of Canada, in strong support for the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and the hundreds of thousands of good, kind and strong Canadians who at this moment are taking a courageous stand for liberty. This one’s for you.

Let freedom ring all across Canada and across our world
Let the darkness of tyranny fade
Let the light of liberty be restored

On behalf of all freedom-loving Americans, we say to you, our brothers and sisters to the north, that
We support you, we are with you, and we love you
May God Bless Canada and Our World
With the light of liberty, dignity and freedom

Learn more at https://www.michaelgaeta.com/awake
Join us on Mondays for health freedom and natural health: https://www.michaelgaeta.com/mwm
Patient care and health professional trainings: https://www.michaelgaeta.com/
More piano music: https://www.facebook.com/michael.gaeta.73/

#FreedomConvoy #Canadians For Vaccine Choice #ConvoyForFreedom2022 #ConvoyForFreedom #convoytoottawa2022 #freedomconvoy22 #FreedomConvoyCanada #freedomconvoy2022support #canadaconvoy2022 #stopthemandate #endmandates

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