85 04 21 1275C STS The Hope Apr 21 1985 Dr. Wierwille english bible lessons

2 years ago

Scripture Index: 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 4, 5; Hebrews 11:13
Part of the final chapter of the newest book on Amazon:
Our Hope and Rewards:
In 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5 – now, I told you most of the people did not look forward to the first coming, but some did: Abraham, David, other believers, the Magi, others, the woman in the Temple. They looked forward to the first coming. But the religious leaders in Jerusalem didn’t look forward to it, nor did Herod know anything about it until the Magi came.
Now, the similarity between the first coming and the second has some parallels. There are not too many people living today who believe in the second coming, or the return of Christ.
[1 Thessalonians 5:2] For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the [what?] night.For those who are not looking forward to the return of Christ, the return is going to be like a what? Thief in the night.
A thief doesn’t call you up on the phone and say, “I’m coming in now.” It’s going to happen just like that. And before they know it, it’s all over with “cometh as a thief in the night.”
1 Thessalonians 5:4 & 5 But ye, brethren [talking about the born-again believers], are not in [What?] darkness, that that day [the return of Christ] should overtake you as a [What?] thief [because you’re a believer].
[5] Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of [What?] darkness.

As Rev. Martindale said earlier, I shocked many of our people a number of years ago when I told them that perhaps the most important book of my research years was Are the Dead Alive Now? I still feel the same way tonight. And as Rev. Martindale suggested, perhaps you ought to master the book, because it answers every question that your heart could ever ask regarding this wonderful subject of the return and the Hope and the dead.You see, the Hope of all mankind, class, is the return and resurrection. There are four or five things I want to clarify for you tonight, and then as you work the Word in your life in the future, you’ll always find these to help you.Number one: There is no consciousness after death, so there’s no consciousness in the grave.
And wherever there is no consciousness, there is no remembrance. Therefore, the moment of an individual’s death, the moment of death, is for that individual the very moment of the return of Christ because there is no time. Where there’s no consciousness, there’s no time. And where there’s no time, then the next moment is the return of Christ.Boy, when you think that one through someday, that’ll bless your soul. The Word of God says, sir, God is no respecter of what? Persons. If He respected you more than He does me, then God would be a respecter of what? [Persons.] Right. And if He would take Maggie Muggins to heaven before I got there, God would be a respecter of what? [Persons.] God is no what? [Respecter of persons.] Isn’t that wonderful? Just think about how tremendous that is!I’ll give you scripture references along this line:
Psalms 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of thee:Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.No remembrance in the grave, no consciousness, no time. Therefore, the moment of an individual’s death is the moment of the return!Secondly, I’d like to straighten out the words “resurrection” and “rise” with you. The word “resurrection” applies to all people before the day of Pentecost. All Israel before the day of Pentecost are dead, and they’re going to stay dead until the second part of the return, which I’m going to explain to you later.

Hebrews 11, that tremendous chapter on believing, after it mentions Noah, Abraham, Sara – everybody in that great chapter – it says:[Hebrews 11:13] These all [What?] died in faith [in believing], not having received” what? [The promises. They all died before the first coming – Abraham, Sara, all of those.] But having seen them [What?] afar off. [They believed in the integrity and accuracy of God’s Word and what God had promised. Therefore, they saw the coming and they were persuaded. They] “embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on [upon] the earth.Resurrection applies basically to two categories: All believers before the day of Pentecost and all unbelievers before and after the day of Pentecost, because they’re all going to get up sooner or later, whether they like it or not.But now, sir, biblically, to have a resurrection, everybody has to be dead. That’s what they haven’t understood, and that’s where the confusion comes in.
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Vid link: https://youtu.be/WklvHSS0kRk

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