How to Practically Prepare for the Days Ahead…

3 years ago

The Holy Spirit gave me a list of things to prepare practically for the days ahead…

-resources matter more than money.
-power, heat, AC, electricity, cell reception, internet connection, and satellites will be gone for a short time. Start weening yourself off technology now.
-when laws and rules go out the window, you’ll need to have the love and anointing of the Holy Spirit to be able to connect and barter with people.
-get off of electronic documenting for a second…or document on electronics and then paper too.
-get paper and pens.
-stock up on batteries.
-it’s a good idea to have any kind of survival/hiking equipment.
-start to ween your body off of any addictions…ask the Holy Spirit for help with that one.
-start prepping yourself mentally for next to no technology or electricity for a second.
Practically think about your life without it.
-have extra feminine products around (get some reusable products)
-if you are trying to have kids…get some extra pregnancy tests.
-have practical clothes on hand…not just clothes for looks or fashion.
-get used to silence. Try not listening to things all the time. ( background music etc)
-look into having a decent first aid kit around.
-extra pet food and kids snacks. (If needed)
-get some book lights and flash lights.
-if you can store it safely and have some extra cash…stock up on gas.
-have some type of paper Bible (if you can)…

These are just some practical things to start preparing for.
I have no idea the official timeline of all this but it can’t hurt to start getting ready now.

Ask the Holy Spirit want you need for your current situations…He will guide you.

Do not fear! If you have Jesus on your side…there is nothing to fear ♥️

Proverbs 27:12 🔥

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