A Divided Kingdom by Dr Michael H Yeager

3 years ago

There is a price you have to pay to move in the power of God!

Before God could bring me to this place He has broken me a thousand times. I have wept, I have groaned. I have travailed many a night until God broke me. It seems to me that until God has mowed you down you never can have this longsuffering and love for others.

We can never have the gifts of healing and the working of miracles in operation only as we stand in the divine power that God gives us and we stand believing God. and having done all we still stand believing.

It is through the power of the Holy Ghost. You must not think that these gifts will fall upon you like ripe cherries. There is a sense in which you have to pay the price for everything you get. We must be covetous for God’s best gifts, and say Amen to any preparation the Lord takes us through, in order that we may be humble, useable vessels through whom He Himself can operate through the Spirit’s power.

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