George Watts Jr: 24-Year-Old Student Dies From Myocarditis Post ‘Lethal Serum Poisoning’

3 years ago

A healthy 24-year-old student from Lockwood, New York died shortly after developing myocarditis from his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, reports Tara Lynch. George Watts Jr. experienced complications after his first dose, however, he chose to keep to himself and went on with his daily life.

Because George Jr. wanted to take his classes in person, he needed to be fully vaccinated. The 24-year-old scheduled his vaccine appointment, receiving his first shot of Pfizer in August and his second in September. His parents said he chose that vaccine because it was fully approved by the FDA.
After his first dose, he experienced complications, which he chose to keep to himself. Blood was in his urine after the first shot. He then received his second dose in mid-September, where he experienced flu-like symptoms that did not resolve. George Jr.’s father, George Watts Sr., explained:
“I noticed he was starting to get puffy in the face like a sinus issue… He had a cough and I decided to take him to the emergency room to see what was going on.”
In October, they went to the emergency room, hoping for answers. He complained of several symptoms, but none that were cardiac-related. After a workup and a negative COVID-19 test, doctors diagnosed George Jr. with a sinus infection and prescribed antibiotics. The Watts family was told his infection should resolve in a week or two.
George Jr. collapsed in his room on October 27th and was pronounced dead later that morning. His dad described him as healthy, saying he had no underlying medical conditions. An autopsy report from the Bradford County Coroner’s Office shows George Jr. died from “COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.”
Timothy Cahill Jr., Chief Deputy Coroner for Bradford County, said:
“Myocarditis is how I ruled [his cause of death]. We are currently working on other cases that are related to vaccine and booster-related issues within our county.”
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Sars-Cov-2 has never been Isolated, Purified, or Identified. There is no Sars-Cov-2 or Sars Cov-19 that has been scientifically isolated using the scientific “Gold Standard” of Koch or Rivers Postulates showing the existence by anyone, anywhere in the world!
Other than a digital theoretical obstruction made on a computer from a genomic database. The “virus” as many have been misled by the “media” (media is derived from “medea” the goddess of illusion) has never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized or proven to exist!

Some of the electrical components being used in 5G tower installations bear the marking of “COV-19,” which just so happens to be almost identical to “COVID-19”

5G Cell Towers Installation started at the same exact time as the state of emergency was declared. Overexposure to 5G radiation has the EXACT same side effects as so called “C19”

Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are DANGEROUS:

New Study Confirms the VAERS System is Only Reporting Approximately 1% of Anaphylaxis from ‘Gene Therapy Poisons’:

Harvard Study:

ICAN Letter to Dr. Walensky:

The “Gene Therapy Poison” Death Report reveals that MILLIONS of people have died from Gene Therapy Poisons:

'Om1cr0n' is the 15 letter in the Greek Alphabet. 'D3lta' is the 4th letter, and 'Mu' is the 12th letter.

Something to ponder:
There used to be 88 different media companies. Now it’s been dialed down to 6 major media companies. All 6 media companies get their information from Reuters and the Associated Press (AP). Reuters owns AP and Rothschild satanic bloodline owns Reuters.

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