Beloved Unbeliever - Part 1 with Guest Jo Berry

2 years ago

First Peter 3 counsels Christian wives of unbelieving husbands to win them to the faith through their purity and reverence, instead of with words. Easier said than done. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the late Jo Berry, who was a lecturer, Bible study teacher, and faithful wife, clarifies that this is not a strict prohibition from ever talking about God or church activities. Berry acknowledges that a wife should not try to confront or nag her husband into Heaven. If she allows her Christian witness to do the “talking,” God can use her faithfulness to convert her husband.

About Today's Guest: Jo Berry
The late Jo Berry was an author, lecturer, Bible study teacher, and director of the Center of Creative Ministries. Jo graduated from The University of Southern California, and was a consultant for David C. Cook publishers. She worked for 10 years as a reading specialist in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Jo was married to George, and wrote 14 books including "Beloved Unbeliever," "Making Your Life a Ministry," and "Managing Your Life and Time."

Resources Mentioned:
"Beloved Unbeliever: Loving Your Husband into the Faith" book by Jo Berry
"Love Must Be Tough" book by Dr. James Dobson

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