Warning: Canada Truckers Be Vigilant of Fakes in the Crowd, e.g. deep state, antifa, plants, stooges

3 years ago

​ @Salty Cracker #saltycracker. Shout out to Salty Cracker for bringing this warning to light. https://www.gofundme.com/f/taking-back-our-freedom-convoy-2022

Canadian Truck Drivers have accomplished the largest convoy in the world at over 50 miles long with over 10,000 trucks. This convoy is specifically to protest mandates by Trudeau's communist Canada regime. Support the truckers but also warn them that there will be nefarious actors, e.g. antifa, who will try to disrupt and turn things into a riot (what Antifa is best at. Truckers, if you spot some 20-year old disenfranchised loser driving a crappy van or run down dairy truck from the 1930's full of holes and rust, videotape them. Remember deep state elements will try to embed themselves into this.

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