Quantum Manifestation - S2E13 Quantum Bylaws / Co-host Joe Pena

2 years ago

Marina Jacobi reminds us of the quantum manifestation bylaws step by step. The one particle, the zero point mobilizing structures, fluctuating realities, money structure with the energy philanthropy timeline giving from the heart and the giving with conditions creates 2 different outcomes and parallel timelines. Stop transform and let go quantum manifestation protocol, latitude and altitude location on the quantum structure for manifestation. The collapsing of all the parallel quantum manifestation realities to '0' point with the final outcome merging/ mutating to 3 reality of the quantum manifestation protocol bylaw 1+1= 3. Merging and creating with the Extra Terrestrials to one parallel timeline, in the end, a lot of Q&A.

If You Wish To Donate From Your Heart is greatly appreciated. :)


My Website: https://www.marinajacobi.com

Co-host Joe Pena https://www.joepenaproductions.com

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