Truckers For Freedom Convoy 2022 | Salim Mansur

2 years ago

Canada is without a doubt a socialist country where the people have over many decades elected far-Left governments. These governments, whether labelled Liberal or Conservative, have driven the nation to the brink of full-fledged communism where individual rights have taken a back seat to the machinations of tyrannical and corrupt "leaders."

The actions of the Canadian government during the past two years have given Canadians second thoughts about the direction their country has been headed and the freedom convoy of truckers stands as a symbol of that hesitancy.

The Freedom Convoy has shown that Canadians have a breaking point, a limit beyond which even they do not want to pass. Much like the strike in Gdansk, Poland of August 1980 with its slogan of Solidarność (Solidarity) eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union millions of Canadians are hopeful that the truckers' rally in Ottawa will lead to major reforms in Canada and the ousting of their embarrassment of a "leader" Justin Trudeau.

To discuss the ramifications of the rally we are joined by Salim Mansur, Professor Emeritus of political science at Western University.

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