Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 - The Arnprior Runners arrive in the Capital II - Standing room only!

3 years ago

The Arnprior Runners have managed to recover approximately 10 minutes of lost footage from when their ancient Galaxy S6's gave out!

Take notice of the gleeful fringe majority members from all over the land and all walks of life! The clean streets, the lack of vandalism, the optimism!

Fear is a Liar.

***Unfortunately the audio has some slight skipping, but thankfully video re-muxed ok for everything except the final 30 seconds or so when it's just a still frame and audio.
We apologize for this! We'll upgrade our electronics when we have some disposable income again, promise. :)

🇨🇦 🇺🇸 FREEDOM CONVOY 2022! LETS GO! 🇨🇦 🇺🇸

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