Dumbpocalypse Now: Things to Know and Ways to Grow Faster than Fascism (like crypto)

3 years ago

Institutionalized gaslighting, truth labeled mis-info, lives lost, freedoms vanishing, AI profiling (I will tell you the truth about TikTok this evening)....it's time to phucking RISE!!!! History will judge us if we sit on our hands, idle hands due the devils work, evil flourishes when good men do nothing, etc, etc, fecking etc. You know the drill. You may not know an awful lot of things that the media is misrepresenting, or completely burying. Never fear, IllumiGnostic is here!
With great power comes great responsibility, which means that each and every one of us needs to step up and take responsibility for our power. There are many ways to do this, and crypto is at the forefront of them right now, so along with attempting to shed some light on the bullshit salad that is most of the spectrum of humanity por ahora, I will offer some truth about crypto. The choices we make regarding crypto could make the difference between winning and losing. A wise man once said that it takes a lot to win, but even more to lose. We had better spend some time deciding which to choose, beloved IllumiGnati.

We are demonetized , so if you like the music or the message, you can Zelle or Paypal to Blueckers@gmail.comOR send crypto to
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#crypto #cryptocrash #personalpower #fascism #nwo #newworldorder #getrich #spotify #joerogan #supportjoerogan #neilyoungisabitch #stockmarketcrash #money #revolution

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