Words #36.3 Feeling A Little Leary.....Part 4 - Mind Mirror

3 years ago

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*This show originally aired 5/12/2021 on various platforms.

Robert Forte joins us for the final segment on Timothy Leary. Enjoy!

Part 4 - Mind Mirror

Topics Include:
1. Emily
- Mind Mirror
- Neutral on Leary (for now)…and here’s why
- 8th Circuit Model of Consciousness: MK 2.0
- Changing from alter to alter
- Architect of chaos magic
- Particle accelerators
- Antero Ali
2. Robert
- The Leary test
- Weaponization of psychological research
- Outwitting the CIA
- The traumas that tricked us into believing in authority
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Leary and Lilly
- Celebrating 50 years of LSD
- Henry Luce and American exceptionalism
- Exploitation of Leary
3. Dani
- thoughts on legalization of psychedelics
- it’s really about sound

Previous episodes in Tim Leary series:
Part 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAsiXzJcIpc&t=2s
Part 2- https://rumble.com/vgg6pp-words-36.3-feeling-a-little-leary....part-2.html
Part 3- https://rumble.com/vgo0vj-words-36.3-feeling-a-little-leary.....part-3.html

Afterwords is available at:

Topics Include:
- WOKE by Madha Vasetti
- Ketamine, a tool of anesthesiology
- Upsides of disassociation
- John Lilly
- When are psychedelics anesthetizing (mind control) or healing?
- Multiple perceptions of reality and the depths of MK Ultra
- Dr. John Hall, author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America
- PTSD epidemic among war veterans
- Depression

You can buy Dani’s T-shirts and other products at danikatz.com and her webinars at quantumlanguaging.com

Coming Soon! You can find Robert Forte’s work at alteredstatesofamerica.net

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