7@7 #112: Defying Despotism 3

3 years ago

Could you be charged for being a Christian? Would the charges stick? Pastor/Professor Andrew Marquez discusses the importance of Defying Despotism. In Daniel 6:11-17, we see the scheme of Daniel's opponents come to fruition. Daniel is charged for praying to his God. Darius recognizes that he was deceived, but he cannot find a loophole to his own law. The result is that Daniel is thrown into a lion's den. Someday you may find yourself charged for being a Christian. In that day will you stand firm in the faith. Will the Christian life you currently live be enough to convince your rivals that you truly believe in Christ?

Dr. Andrew Marquez is Director/Dean of Wayland Baptist University's Arizona Campuses (www.wbu.edu/arizona) and Executive Pastor of North Swan Baptist Church (www.northswanbaptist.com).

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