Psalm 56 Trust in God Under Persecution III

2 years ago

B. Miktam of David recall psalm is the Greek word for song. All of the Psalms are written in poetry, not prose. Same term in Ps 16, 57-60.

miktam – Only six psalms contain this Hebrew word, miktam. No one is quite sure what it means, but all six of these psalms are psalms of lament. All six are linked to David and four of the six have references to David’s struggles with enemies. One possibility is that this word introduces the theme of the psalm. In this case, the theme is protection or covering. Another possibility is that this word is about engraving the letters on a stone. Thousands of years after David wrote this word, we are left guessing. Check your Bible to see how the translators dealt with this.

C. Philistines seized in Gath 1 Sam 21:11-16, 1 Sam 21:14 “when the Philistines caught him. For historical interpretation see Ps 51.

David fled from Saul and thought he could find anonymity or sympathy among the ungodly Philistines a bitter enemy. David was wrong and his fear of Saul was transferred to another king Achish. David would ultimately feign madness, which caused the King Achish to release him. cf Shakespeare’s Hamlet

“Madness is an act many individuals put to express their chaotic mind, but some, portray madness to conceal actual thoughts and feelings, and in some cases, plans.”

Klinger from MASH uses same device.

IV. Christological Lens [Literal, Christological, Moral, Eschatological]
A. Psalms prayer book of the Jewish people
B. Commemorate past actions and anticipate future redemption
C. Prayed by Christ during His earthy life as a Jew (Contra Marcion heresy, anti-Semitism)
D. Jesus fulfilled the psalms through His life, death, and Resurrection

Missing the point of Gospel, hate towards any race. Barriers broken by Christ. All invited into family.

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